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How it works


︎Submit wood info

Send details about your unwanted wood

Beneficial information for us to collect:

Stories behind it
Reasons to give it to us

Examples we can collect:

Broken furniture
Scraps of DIY

The condition of the wood we can't collect:

Wood chips
Burnt wood
Rotten wood

We will check the details and collect it

We can't guarantee to collect all the wood depending on sizes and conditions. In that case, we can possibly recommend suitable ways to recycle or DIY your wood.

You can submit information about your unwanted wood by emailing us. The email should include your name and the dimensions of the wood at least. The rest of the information supports us to get a clear idea of your wood. We would like to invite you to this project because our activities would not be possible without your cooperation. 

︎Submit wood info

Client Work

You can also send requests about some products you would like us to make out of your unwanted wood donation. We will do our best to answer them. The price in such cases depends on the materials and products.

We received an email from another designer who makes furniture out of wood offcuts. He donated Pine and Sapele wood offcuts to make him a small mallet to help put together the joints of his project.